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Jumat, 01 Februari 2013



Batik is historically derived from the days of our fathers, known since the seventeenth century, written and painted on palm leaves. At that time batik motif or pattern is still dominated by the shape of animals and plants. But in its development history of batik have evolved, from painting motifs of animals and plants gradually turn to an abstract motif that resembles a cloud, temple reliefs, wayang beber and so forth. Furthermore, through the merger of the painting with the art of decorating style clothing, batik art emerged as we know it today.
The type and style of traditional batik quite so much, but the patterns and variations in accordance with the philosophy and culture of each region are very diverse. Indonesian cultural treasures so rich nation has been driving styles and types of batik tradisioanal characterized by its own particularity. History of batik in Indonesia is related to the development of the Majapahit kingdom and the kingdom afterwards. In some records, the development of batik is mostly done in times of Mataram kingdom, and in the kingdom of Solo and Yogyakarta.
Art of batik is an art image on the fabric for clothing that becomes one of the family culture of Indonesian kings of old. Initially batik is done only limited in the palace alone and proceeds to dress the king and family and his followers. Because many of the followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was brought by them out palace and worked in place of each.
In the development of batik art gradually imitated by the people nearest and subsequently expanded into the work of women in the household to fill his spare time. Furthermore, batik clothes that used only the royal family, then became a popular folk clothes, both women and men. White fabric that is used when it is the result of homespun. Medium coloring materials used consist of plants native to Indonesia who made himself among others of: noni tree, tall, Soga, indigo, and materials made from soda ash soda, as well as salts made from mud. So this batik in Indonesia has been known since the time of Majapahit kingdom and continued to grow until the next kingdom.
The start spreading this batik art belongs to the people of Indonesia and Java in particular tribe is after the end of the eighteenth century or early nineteenth century. Produced batik batik is all until the early twentieth century and printed batik is known only after the world war was over unity or around 1920.
Now, batik has become part of traditional Indonesian clothing. Indeed, almost every region in Indonesia has Batik motifs typical and each each region also has a history of batik each story is different. But that's what makes it beautiful Batik Indonesia and varied.


  1. Based Motif / Pattern
  • Batik Kraton
Explanation: the beginning of all kinds of batik that developed in Indonesia. Motive meaning of life philosophy. Batik-batik is made by the daughter of the palace and batik-batik experts who live in the palace. Basically motive forbidden to be used by those "ordinary" like motif Parang Barong Batik, Batik Batik Parang Corrupt including Udan Lyrical, and some other motives.
  • Batik Cuwiri
    Explanation: meruapakan motif that uses natural dyes Soga. Usually batik is used to semekan and tank top, also used during the ceremony mitoni. Batik motif is mostly used elements and Gurda Meru. Cuwiri itself has little meaning for the wearer appropriate and expected and respected
  • Batik Pringgondani
    Explanation: The name of the son Ghatotkacha kesatriyan residence Werkudara. This motif is usually shown in dark colors such as blue indigo (indigo blue) and soga-brown, and full of tiny tendrils interspersed with a dragon.
  • Batik Sekar Jagad
    Explanation: One of the typical Indonesian batik motif. This motif contains the meaning of beauty and the beauty that others see will be fascinated. There's also assume that the motive Sekar Jagad actually comes from the word "kar universe" which is taken from the Javanese (Kar = map; Universe = the world), making motif also symbolizes diversity worldwide.
  • Batik Sida Sublime
    Explanation: Motives beginning eunuch (pronounced sido) is a class of motifs that many made the batik. The word "eunuch" itself means so / a / implemented. Thus, motifs beginning with "eunuch" contains the hope that what is desired is reached bias. Motif Sida Sublime (Sublime Sido reads) meaningful hope to achieve a high position, and can be a role model of society.
  • Batik Kawung
    Explanation: Motif Kawung Kawung patterned dots like fruit (a type of coconut or sometimes also considered a fruit and fro) are cleanly laid out geometrically. Sometimes, the motive is also interpreted as a lotus flower image (lotus) flower with four leaves that broke. Lotus is a flower that symbolizes longevity and purity. Usually motives Kawung named after the large-small round-oval shape contained within a particular motif. For example: Kawung Picis is kawung motif composed by the shape of a small sphere. Picis is a coin worth ten Senyang is small. While Kawung Bribil is kawung motifs composed by larger form than kawung Picis. This is consistent with the name bribil, the currency is bigger than picis and a half cents worth. While kawung round-oval shaped larger than Bribil Kawung called Kawung Mon
  • Batik Rama Cement
    Explanation: interpreted as a depiction of "a spring of life" (developed or prosperous life). There are several basic types of ornaments on the motives of cement. The first is related ornament to the mainland, such as herbs or quadruped. Both are associated with air ornaments, such as eagle, bird and megamendung. While the third is associated with the sea ornament or water, such as snakes, fish and frogs. Type of ornament is most likely something to do with understanding Triloka or Tribawana. Understanding is the doctrine of the three worlds; world is where people live, the world where the gods and saints, as well as the underworld where the way of life is not true / satisfied insolence. In addition to the meaning of the motif Rama Cement (Cement read Romo) itself is often associated with the Ramayana story that is full of doctrine or teaching of virtues Brata Hastha through eight road. This doctrine is the primacy of discourse Ramawijaya to Wibisana when crowned king of Lanka. So "Cement Father" contains the teachings of the major properties that should be owned by a king or a leader of the people.
  • Batik Sida Asih
    Explanation: Motives beginning eunuch (pronounced sido) is a class of motifs that many made the batik. The word "eunuch" itself means so / a / implemented. Thus, motifs beginning with "eunuch" contains the hope that what is desired is reached bias. The significance of the motif Sida Asih (pronounced Asih Sido) is the expectation that people develop a sense of mutual affection and love between people.
  • Batik Patchwork
    Explanation: patchwork patchwork meaningful means patching or fixing things that are broken. In the course of his life, people have to improve ourselves towards a better life, physically and spiritually. Previously, patchwork patterned batik cloth believed to help cure the sick. The trick is to wrap it in a cloth sick patchwork motif. This belief arises because people are ill thought there was something "less", so to treat it need to be "patched".
  • Batik Sida Mukti
    Explanation: Sida Mukti meruapakan motif that is usually made from natural dyes Soga. Usually used as a fabric in the marriage ceremony. Elements of a motive is Gurda tekandung therein. Motives beginning eunuch (pronounced sido) is a class of motifs that many made the batik. The word "eunuch" itself means so / a / implemented. Thus, motifs beginning with "eunuch" contains the hope that what is desired is reached bias. One is sida mukti, containing hope to achieve inner and outer happiness.
  • Batik Sudagaran
    Explanation: It is the prohibition of the palace motif that makes artists from the merchant to create a new motive to taste the merchants. They also changed the motive restrictions that motive can be used by the general public. Sudagaran batik designs generally impressed "bold" in the selection form, stylization on natural objects or animals, or a combination of colors that dominated Soga and dark blue colors. Batik Sudagaran serves quality and complexity in the process of presenting a new decoration. Batik batik creator Sudagaran change the isen-isen palace complex and filled with cecek (spots) so as to create a very beautiful batik.
  • Batik Farmers
    Explanation: batik is created as a distraction activity housewife at home when not to go into the fields or during leisure time. Usually batik was rude and clumsy and not smooth. Motive hereditary suit each area and batik is done unprofessionally because only as a sideline. For staining were included into the merchant. Above is a wide range of batik in our beloved country Indonesia based motif or pattern. We as a nation should be proud and probably should wear because it has this extraordinary culture. Do not let the neighbors claim culture we have, we certainly regret later. For readers have information on a variety of batik and yet in this article sought to add, to further refine the information we have.

  1. Based Origin Country
  • Batik Yogyakarta (Sultanate)
    In general batik jogja has characteristics of color fabric itself.
    From a variety of motifs of batik cloth in the country, or even from around the world, batik jogja has a distinctive feature of the base color fabric to make batik cloth itself. Batik jogja use a white cloth with black shades. One example is batik grompol above.
  • Batik Solo / Surakarta (Kasunanan)
Patterned batik cloth Solo / Surakarta also have a membedakanya hallmark of Yogya batik cloth. Solo batik fabric is yellow with a white complexion without.
  • Batik Banyumas
    The existence of Banyumas batik is batik drowned when talking about, because there is Solo and Yogya batik is more popular in the community. Banyumas batik motifs was influenced by batik motifs of the two cities. however, a special characteristic of batik Banyumas is a yellow base color with a reddish Sogan.
  • Batik Pekalongan
Batik Pekalongan including the coastal batik is rich in color. As is typical of coastal batik, the decoration is usually naturalist. When compared with other coastal batik Batik is influenced Pekalongan Chinese immigrants and Dutch descent. Pekalongan Batik is very independent, and attractive, though the motive is sometimes the same as the Solo or Yogyakarta batik, often modified with a variety of attractive colors. Quite often on a piece of batik cloth found up to 8 colors bold, and dynamic combination. The motive of the most popular and famous of pekalongan is Jlamprang motif.
  • Batik Cirebon
    One characteristic of batik Cirebon that does not exist anywhere else is the motif of "Mega Clouds", the motif shaped like a lumpy clouds usually form a frame on the main picture.
  • Batik Madura
    As a cultural art form, batik Madura much in demand and popular with consumers local and long distance. With distinctive shapes and motifs Madura batik has its own uniqueness to the consumer. The style and variety of unique and free, the personal nature of the production (done by unit), still maintain traditional ways (written and processed by traditional means) and always use natural dyes are friendly to the environment.
  • Batik Lampung
    Lampung has unique motives are very different from other existing motif regions in Indonesia, Lampung began tracing the history of textile art known since the 18th century coincided with the influence of Indian culture began to enter the waters of Sumatra that Buddhist motifs influence is very strong in it . The motive of the most famous and a seizure of the foreign collectors is the motive boat and the "tree of life" motif became two very typical for the culture and is a trade mark Lampung Lampung in the eyes of the international community.
  • Batik Jambi
    Batik Jambi actually been around since time immemorial, I do not know history are clear until now Batik Jambi has the Khasan style / motif which is still preserved. Some of these patterns are patterns / motifs reins of mangosteen, durian broke, kajanglako, and motives angsoduo although now many new style developments by batik craftsmen in Jambi.
  • Borneo Batik
    Batik motif Kalimantan has varied with colors that tastes indulgent. A common motif is Rod Crisp (symbol rod to Dayak community life), Saber (weapon typical Dayak tribe), hornbills / Tingang (Borneo Eagles), and Balanga.
  • Batik Toraja
    BATIK TORAJA formally introduced 6 years ago (2004) with the idea of ​​pouring the carving work in fabric and is a blend of traditional values ​​with post-modern.
  • Batik Bali
    It is still relatively new, but perkambangan batik industry in Bali is so rapid. Perhaps because Bali save a lot of potential local motifs and designs. Dozens of Balinese batik design was born. From the cheap to the exorbitant cost. So far, the average market price of batik in circulation in Bali Bali good quality ranges from Rp 350 thousand to $ 2 million.
  • Batik Papua
    Typical motifs of Batik Papua is to make the person wearing it more graceful and elegant. Because motif in the show are natural motifs. Coupled with the colors that are relatively diverse. The more complete and fit when in the mix with a subordinate dark or muted.


Equipment required:
  1. Mori fabric (usually made ​​of silk, cotton, or polyester blend fabric)
  2. Pencil
  3. Canting (this is usually said stationery batik)
  4. Gawangan (sampiran place when batik fabric)
  5. Wax
  6. Small pot (for the candle)
  7. Small stove (to heat the wax)
  8. Dye solution
  9. Malam


  1. Methode Print Stamped
Canting is a process that takes a lot of time to produce batik designs. Prints stamped metal or methods used to meet the ever increasing demand for batik in Indonesia. The tasting is usually done by men. Some of the products of the labeling in a variety of shapes and sizes may be used to put the candle. The male workers usually put stamp designs on square table, then the seal is pressed in a mold base to absorb the wax and stamp into cloth or clothing. This process is repeated until the patterns on cloth covered overall. A good quality results, has no lines overlap. Qualified workers need good skills to match draft-design appropriately.
  1. Methode Canting
Author describes the design-batik designs on clothes using wax using small pipes called canting. The process that uses wax using the canting is usually done by the women who first outline the main elements of the design by using graphite or charcoal. The workers canting usually sit on the floor or a mat in front of the wicker-woven bamboo with horizontal fence. To protect workers from falling hot wax, they use a napkin dipangkuannya. The workers will enter the bowl cantingnya canting into the wax and draw designs on fabric with a tool ditelapak holding his left hand. The process of giving candles were made on both sides of the fabric to ensure that the patterns have been resolved. it is a good batik has gained.

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